The Simply the Basics Hygiene Locator™ is a network of hygiene services across the globe that connects people in need with local hygiene services making finding what they need most more equitably and efficiently. It also helps donors find nearby organizations in need of their product donations, helping to reduce waste.  Access the map to find a hygiene bank or distribution center near you. All organizations listed provide hygiene free of charge. 

Search By:

  • You can narrow your search by selecting "Find Hygiene Supplies" or "Donate Hygiene Supplies." To see all listings and availability, search by location with no other filters.

  • Some places may accept donations but not be open to the public. Check their listing before visiting.

Approved Simply the Basics Hygiene Bank Association™ Members are noted by the banner at the top of their profile and have gone through an extra application and certification process.

If you are a nonprofit or organization looking to be featured and added to the Hygiene Locator™, please see our Minimum Requirements and apply below under “Request to Add my Organization” to be reviewed for approval.


  • If drop-in hours or exact location is unavailable, we recommend reaching out to the organization to confirm open hours or make an appointment.

  • “Connect Me” buttons below each profile allows you to directly message an organization. If no button is available, this organization may not be able to receive messages and may provide a phone number instead.

*Please note that while Simply the Basics has confirmed accessibility, we are not directly affiliated with every organization listed and cannot account for service changes, quality of services, supply availability, or provide tax deduction for supplies donated.

If there is no Hygiene Bank located in your area, please let Simply the Basics know by clicking the button above for further support.

This map is for product donations, volunteerism, or to access supplies only, not monetary donations.

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to Simply the Basics, you can make a donation HERE or donate supplies HERE. All donations received by Simply the Basics will further support our Hygiene Distribution and Services throughout the globe!

Method Products is a Founding Partner of Simply the Basics Hygiene Bank Association