Thank you for your request to be displayed on Simply the Basics Hygiene Locator™.

Please allow 1-7 business days for your entry to be reviewed. If approved, the entry will become visible and you will have access to make edits and changes to your profile through the platform.

Please look for an email from regarding approval and next steps.

If you do not see the email within the time frame, check your “junk mail” folder or “spam” folder.

What is the purpose?

The Simply the Basics Hygiene Bank Locator is the very first database of its kind (and the only in existence today!) to help people in need of hygiene supplies find them closest to their location, and also help people identify local Hygiene Banks where they can provide hygiene donations to help reduce waste and support their community!

Our goals are:

  1. To ensure anyone in need of hygiene care is able to locate appropriate service providers and access care.

  2. To reduce waste by supporting in the donation of supplies directly to the organizations that can use those supplies, rather than discarding products or donating to organizations that do not need those items.