Get To Know Our Receiving Sites: City Youth Now

City Youth Now

The Mission of City Youth Now is to provide programs and services that promote stability, personal growth, and long-term success for the youth in San Francisco.

Who do you serve?

We serve youths and families affected, or part of, the juvenile justice system, foster care system, or within the San Francisco community

Our Programs -

  • Personal Empowerment Program (PEP): Designed to support the holistic development of our youth by addressing barriers and helping provide access to programs, services, and critical need items

  • Youth Partnering for Education & Employment (YPEE): Integrates our educational support and vocational training services with activities and resources that prepare youth for gainful employment

  • Inside-Out: Juvenile Justice Center Programs: Provides support for youth housed inside the Juvenile Justice Center, including recreational activities and academic support

Most Requested Items: Soap of all kinds (bars, body wash, hand), shampoo and conditioners, toothpaste, deodorant, and feminine hygiene (pads and tampons).

How does access to hygiene impact your clients?

Simply the Basics support removes the financial burden that can manifest due to the socio-economic standing they might have within their community, or due to a familial instability that may not carry what they properly need. It can also support the youths or families to feel healthier both physically and mentally, which can help leeway into feelings of empowerment and success within themselves.

“The youths and families have reached out with gratitude and overwhelming feelings of joy when offered these donations and services. Often, the youths and families have to jump through hoops to make ends meet, having to cut corners or make hard decisions due to various barriers or situations that was out of their hands. When we are able to offer even the slightest bit of help by providing these donations or health kits, it give them a sense of support, care, and relief that they may not have had prior.”

Learn more about City Youth Now:

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